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This is a book I want to see translated to English. An additional comment regarding Michal's exploration of the phenomenon of the Russian's actually supporting both sides of divisive issues and campaigns in western societies and nations. That would explain a lot of what's happening in my country, Canada. Also, this very plausible theory would explain much of the state of U.S. politics since before Barrack Obama's time in office and probably previous to that. We have elements of both sides in the current U.S. presidential election campaign each accusing the other of the undue influence of Vladimir Putin in their respective political platforms and decisions. It seems possible, maybe even likely, that both sides are correct in their criticism. In effect, the Russians may be responsible for creating a situation in U.S. politics that looks a lot like having a rabid dog chase its own tail, circling around madly to the point of exhaustion. Here in Canada we have a socialist cabal running the country and overseeing the destruction of Canada's economy, culture, and social fabric. Meanwhile, the Conservative and opposition leader, Pierre Poilièvre, is afraid to speak to the obvious and biggest threat to the Canadian nation, the massive overflow caused by too much legal and illegal immigration, mostly of people who are not of the majority race or religion of the country and whose customs and cultural sensibilities are vastly different and, at times, diametrically opposed to the views of the majority of Canadian citizens. Putin and the FSB's espionage apparatus playing both sides against one another would go a long way towards explaining the destructive malaise that infects most western democratic(?) nations and societies today.

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